Monochromatic colors are all the colors (tones, tints, and shades) of a single hue. Example of a monochromatic color scheme Monochromatic color schemes are derived from a single base hue and extended using its shades, tones and tints. Tints are achieved by adding white and shades and tones are achieved by adding a darker color, grey or […]
Author Archives: Mr.Deyo
Creativity Test
To participate in the creativity test you need to draw 6 or more random solid shapes in 1 light color of marker on a piece of paper. Then use a dark color marker and try to turn those shapes in to drawings using your creativity. This is a test! Do your best work and try […]
Tie a Slip Knot Chain Stitch Single Crochet Turn Around at End or Row Decrease Stitch Hacky Sac Pattern Chain 24 Single crochet into each chain Turn around X3 to create 4 rows of single crochet Stich short edges together. Crochet into open edge decreasing from 24 stiches to 6 Place bean filled balloon into […]