Laminated Paper Planes

Lamination is the technique/process of manufacturing a material in multiple layers, so that the composite material achieves improved strength, stability, sound insulationappearance, or other properties from the use of the differing materials, such as plastic. A laminate is a permanently assembled object created using heatpressurewelding, or gluing.

Project Goal:

Cut, Glue, and Construct a laminated paper plane from a template or modify and design your own.

Colored Pencil Ribbons & Rendering

Blending of colored pencil is done by building up layers of colors one over the other and using the multiple colors to burnish over top of each other.

Use color blending and burnishing techniques to create a 3D ribbon

You can make any kind of art with colored pencils!

Project Goal:

Create a 3D ribbon effect using a dark, medium, and light color in colored pencil.