Studio Credit within the art room defines the attributes of an artist.  Each day students can earn 1 credit by meeting these expectations.  Students will receive one reminder in each category, each day.  After a reminder of the expectation has been given students will be given time to adjust.  In order to lose a credit, students would have to have received a reminder, followed by a second reminder within any category.  This creates a focus on the habits and skills that objectively make an artist rather than a judgment of their artworks.

If you notice your student is missing studio credit points please have a conversation with them about the choices they are making with their class time.  


Learning in art is historically and concurrently an apprenticeship.  Students are expected to participate in learning about the use of materials and techniques in order to be successful with them.  

Studio Production: 

It is the expectation that students use their class time to try and make the art projects each day.  This is without judgment about the look of the work, just simply the effort taken each day to try.  

Studio Space: 

Students need to demonstrate they can work effectively in a safe non-disruptive and non-destructive manner as independent artists within their assigned studio space.

Studio Maintenance:

Students are expected to help maintain the shared studio space and materials.  Caring for art materials is an essential aspect of working as an artist, as many art materials can only function with proper care.