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Open Source Animation

The feild of animation is on a seamingly never ending rise. The skill set that allows for the creation of Pixar movies to game creation is one of the biggest job markets in America and it is a skill set that only covered in the art department.

The Open Source Software Blender offers a free suite of 3D creation technologies from modeling to animation and game design. Blender Combines all the tools need into one cohesive application


Interface The Interface allows you to change, adapt and re distribute the layout of all UI components and tools to suit the task at hand.
character modeling
Character Modeling With a great variety of tools available, Sculpting can be used to create very detailed organic looking characters & Blender's Bmesh modeling system allows for n-sided polygons.
Character Rigging Transforming any model into a posable character has never been easier, with highly sophisticated methods of deformation calculation that allow quality animation.
Animation Thanks to flawless integration, tasks as simple as walk cycles or as complex as lip syncing can be undertaken with more emphasis on the results.
Rendering True and tested, the robust default render engine is an industrial strength image generator that works well and quickly on older and low end hardware.
UV Unwrapping Using any of the multiple available tools to project meshes, it is straightforward to manage texture space for a given geometry allowing users to put 2D images on 3D models.
Raytracing Create stunning visuals using a render engine that treats light in a more natural way, with the Cycles Render Engine.
Physics & Particles Complex and dynamic materials that interact with each other and their environment are easy to set up and control, alter the natural flow of water or set flags to rail in the wind with special effectors.
Shading Combining textures with fine grained deformation, complex materials can be applied and directly altered in the viewport and viewed in real time with the intuitive material settings.
game engine
Game Creation With its complete integration to code base and its totally graphical interface, the game engine is both fully independent from, while at the same time perfectly adapted to, your programing skills.
Compositing Complex and dynamic materials that interact with each other and their environment are easy to set up and control, alter the natural flow of water or set flags to rail in the wind with special effectors.
Community Oriented With a huge community of users and developers spanning the entire world Blender's open source nature leads to lot of help.



Blender amazing as it is, is also completely free, as in freedom and beer.


Open source doesn't mean cheep. The education student recieve in Blender is second to none and translatable to industry standard software.

Thousands of free learning resources

There are quite a few free tutorial website centered around blender education to help you further your skills and your students skills.

Supportive community

Blender has a community of users and developers from all over the world sharing resources and knowledge in all languages and forms.

Open Projects

The Blender Foundation produces one open film production nearly every year. For a small price you can help support creating these films and get a credit. Shareing these films with students is engaging and inspiring. Not only are the films free to view but all production files are released to the creative commons so you and your students can look behind the scenes to see how the films are made. Even make your own with the files provided.