An Extreme Close-Up of something disgusting. If done in an animated series, the close-up is usually drawn in a much more detailed style than the rest of the show.
First recognized in The Ren & Stimpy Show as it was used extensively, but the trope can be considered older than dirt in the sense that looking at something up close is bound to reveal its imperfections. John Kricfalusi, the creator of Ren & Stimpy says he drew the inspiration from Fleischer Popeye cartoons, though it was co-creator Bob Camp who coined the term “gross up.”
Bas-relief, also called low relief or basso-relievo, in sculpture, any work where the projection from a supporting background is shallow. Bas-relief contrasts with high relief (alto-relievo), another type of relief sculpture in which projections are deep and may in parts be completely disengaged from the ground. Relief sculpture is a complex art form that combines many features of the two-dimensional pictorial arts and the three-dimensional sculptural arts. Similar to a painting or drawing, a relief is dependent on a supporting surface, and the composition must be extended in a plane in order to be visible. Yet its three-dimensional properties do not have to be suggested but are in some degree actual, like those of fully developed sculpture. Among the various types of relief, bas-relief is perhaps the one that approaches most closely the pictorial arts. It requires the artist to translate the three-dimensional world into a two-dimensional one using systems of conventions or illusions.
What are different ways you can look at one thing?
A triptych (/ˈtrɪptɪk/TRIP-tik; from the Greek adjective τρίπτυχον (tríptychon, “three-fold”), from tri- “three” and ptyssō “to fold” or ptyx “fold”)[1][2] is a work of art that is divided into three sections.
How can two or more artworks be about the same thing, and look completely different?
Ideation is the process of creating a series of designs based on one idea
Different Ways of Ideating
Different Camera Position
Theme/Idea: Horse
Different Time or Pose
Theme/Idea: Guitar
Different Meanings
Theme/Idea: Eye
Bas Relief Examples
Project Goal:
Create a triptych of ceramic tiles, each 5.5 x 8.5 inches using bas relief sculpture techniques based around a self selected theme/idea focusing on creating different works based on one concept.
Target 1: Students will choose a theme/idea that can be described in just a few words or even one word. Then create 4 different drawings on the theme/idea at a size of 5.5 x 8.5 inches. Anything used in one drawing can not be used in another.
Target 2: Review and discuss all four drawings with a peer and the teacher to eliminate the least effective design.
Target 3: Students will create a clay slab with the same proportions as one drawing using the templates and transfer drawing design to clay.
Target 4: Students will use bas relief sculpting to render designs into 3D using texture and smoothing purposefully to finish.
Target 5: Students repeat targets 3 & 4 on remaining 2 designs to complete triptych set.